Does autism make you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, confused, and heavily reliant on experts who don't really understand your child? Are you feeling lost and constantly worried?

Learn how to empower yourself to become the autism ally your child needs

With parent-driven (evidence-based) strategies, transform anxiety into action and communicate with your child on a deeper level, unlocking their vibrant potential and strengthening your bond.

What Dreams Do You Hold For Your Child? 

Every parent dreams of a world that cherishes their child as deeply as they do.

Yet, receiving an autism diagnosis may overshadow those dreams with fear, anxiety, frustration, or possibly even… guilt. 

With silent questions haunting your thoughts… 

🌈 Will my child be okay? 

🌈 Am I enough? 

🌈 Will my child make friends? 

🌈 Was this my fault? 

🌈 Will my child be seen for the incredible individual they are?

But it's more than accepting the diagnosis. 

It's learning to navigate new behavioral challenges and therapeutic strategies, coordinate medical and educational plans, and advocate for accommodations supporting and respecting your child's uniqueness. 

All without letting narrow labels limit your child’s boundless potential, navigating beyond stereotypes to embrace their full capabilities. 

Your child is not 'less,' so don't let others define their 'normal.'

First off, what is "normal"? In a world where everyone possesses their own quirks and idiosyncrasies, the term itself becomes subjective. 

For someone on the autism spectrum, their experience is their normal. And trying to fit into someone else's definition can be confusing, frustrating, and limiting.

Did you know… 

Recent studies reveal that children on the autism spectrum actually perceive the world differently because their brains process information, emotions, and social cues uniquely.

So, your child's 'normal' is already rich, vibrant, and filled with unique insights. There is no such thing as "fixing". They need to be understood, loved and celebrated. 

But how do you do this?

You've been navigating (or maybe you're just getting started) a complex maze of therapy options, dietary considerations, and sensory sensitivities. 

Becoming an advocate, a therapist, a nutritionist, a behaviorist, and so much more.

While trying to remember to be a loving parent (above everything else).

And the fear of not doing enough or making the wrong choices can be paralyzing as you grapple with...

  • Intense meltdowns—crying, hitting, screaming, biting— that leave you exhausted and searching desperately for answers, 
  • Scouring, judgy glares from other shoppers as your joyful child skips through the aisles of Whole Foods because the thought of walking just doesn't make sense,
  • Sensory sensitivities that morph an ordinary cotton shirt into prickly needles against their delicate skin, flipping a simple morning routine into unexpected chaos.

Yet your resolve to find practical strategies, techniques, tools, and resources (anything that works) to help your child grow & thrive remains unshaken. 

You just want the best for your child.

Seeking innovative guidance, evidence-based solutions, decisive clarity… EVERYTHING.

To empower your child to explore the world confidently, foster genuine connections with their peers, and fully embrace their unique interests with pride and enthusiasm.

It's about finding joy in the small victories, strength in the moments of connection, and hope in the journey ahead.

You just want what every other parent wants for their child — an opportunity to thrive, to connect, to be seen (and accepted) for who they truly are. 

Is this asking too much? 

No, it's not. And please know that you are not alone in your fears, your dreams, or your unwavering resolve. 

Looking beyond the diagnosis to Unlock Your Child's Unique Potential

As you stand at the crossroads of uncertainty and hope…

Envision gaining deep insights into your child’s unique perspective, unveiling hidden talents and strengths that lie hidden beneath the surface. 

A future where autism is not a confining label but a doorway to endless possibilities, transforming the diagnosis from a barrier into a gateway to opportunity.

What if...

...instead of navigating through the fog of uncertainty, you're equipped with the knowledge and tools to uncover and nurture your child's unique strengths?

Whether it's their unspoken love for music, an undiscovered knack for painting, or a hidden talent in mathematics, every child possesses unique interests or gifts waiting to be explored and celebrated.

Rewriting this narrative from limitation to limitless potential and remarkable growth is possible.

Imagine having access to evidence-based strategies and insights rooted in specialized experience—meticulously curated to cut through the noise—tools that could help transform challenges into opportunities for your child's remarkable growth. 

Strategies that go beyond theoretical knowledge and empower YOU with decisive clarity designed for real-life applications… 

Meltdowns become moments of learning and growth, equipping you with the insight to address the root cause of the behavior and support your child’s emotional resilience.

Communication barriers transform into opportunities for heart-to-heart connections over their favorite topics (developing a shared language of love and understanding).

Awkward social interactions evolve into valuable teaching moments where your child learns to interpret social cues and express their own interests, turning playground encounters into opportunities for friendship and understanding. 

A future where your child is celebrated and accepted in every classroom, playground, and community for who they are.

But you won't find these results in one of those “one-size-fits-all” solutions. 

It all starts by understanding your child's unique needs and triggers (the ‘why’ behind their challenges). 

And then designing a personalized (yes, parent-driven because you know your child best!) program. Centered around your child’s unique interests, challenges, and goals. Creating a supportive environment where they can thrive.

Whether it's a visual schedule to ease transitions or a social story to demystify new experiences, these tailored strategies can transform challenges into opportunities for connection and growth.

You don't need to be an expert—you just need the right guidance and resources.

Hi, I'm Kristin! Director and Co-founder of Aurelia

As a passionate advocate for embracing neurodiversity, I've journeyed deep into the world of autism, from hands-on roles as a live-in therapist in diverse countries to shaping impactful programs as Head of Training and Development at Non-Profit Organisations in South Africa. Equipped with an Honours degree in Psychology, a Master's in Development Studies, and numerous specialist credentials, I bring over a decade of enriched experience to the table. These experiences solidified my belief: Knowledge, when shared rightly, has the power to transform lives.

The digital age we live in offers a solution: Online Learning. It’s about embarking on a journey of understanding, but on your terms. It’s available anytime, it’s updated, and it’s tailored. It puts YOU in the driver’s seat of the learning experience.

My mission? To empower caregivers, parents, educators, healthcare workers, and every individual involved in the journey of an autistic person, bridging knowledge gaps with comprehensive online training.

And that's at the heart of our mission at Aurelia. 

The Aurelia Difference…Revolutionizing Autism Support

Unlike traditional methods that rely on external expertise to modify behavior–and potentially distancing the parents

Aurelia aims to empower YOU, the parent because we believe you know your child best!

So, inside “Navigating Autism at Home: Home-based Strategies for Supporting Autistic Children” you’ll gain proven, evidence-based strategies, techniques, and practices to develop a clear roadmap to become your child's greatest advocate… designing an adaptable, personalized home-based program that aligns (and changes) with your child's interests, strengths, and challenges 

Giving YOU the ability to unlock their full potential as they learn to thrive on their own terms.

Together, we’ll embrace the diversity of autism so you can… 

🦋 Cut through the noise with unshakable confidence as you master proven communication and sensory strategies (and how to adapt them to your dynamic child

Together we’ll explore the unique aspects of autism–debunking myths and misconceptions (truth: there’s no one-size-fits-all approach).

And I’ll share over a decade of expertise and knowledge to equip you with practical, evidence-based resources that enable you to lead with love and confidence. So you become your child's most influential advocate, harnessing strategies and tools that highlight and celebrate their unique potential.

Providing everything you need to amplify your child’s communication skills, foster social connections, support behaviours positively, and navigate sensory experiences.  

And because we understand that each child is unique, this course is designed to give you the flexibility to choose the strategies and tools that meet your child’s specific needs. This allows you to craft a customized approach that suits both you and your child perfectly.

Whether it's adapting to new challenges or refining strategies as your child grows, you'll have the confidence and know-how to provide the best support at exactly the right moments. 

Think of it as your trusted ally, ensuring that you're not just reacting to changes but proactively shaping a supportive, nurturing environment for your child.

And you don’t have to do this alone. 

You’ll build resilience and empathy with access to a vibrant (and supportive) community. Joining together with other parents on similar journeys, sharing support, encouragement, and experiences to reduce isolation and stress. 

Here’s a snapshot below of what’s waiting for you inside
“The Bundle Offer"
Navigating Autism at Home: Hands-on Strategies for Parents Bundle Offer
When you enroll before the end of this week you will also receive an exclusive bonus pack worth $305 absolutely FREE.

Here’s what's included:

🦋 Understanding Autism Behavior: A Comprehensive Toolkit (Digital Download) -

(Valued at $40 - your FREE)

A comprehensive Behavior toolkit packed with expert strategies and insights to help you navigate the complexities of behavioral challenges and offers practical advice to foster a harmonious home environment.

🦋 Downloadable daily, weekly, and monthly planners to help you get organized in building powerful routines - a fundamental tool for autism success. A well-structured routine can provide a sense of security, reduce anxiety, and enhance independence.

(Value - $30 - yours FREE)

🦋 27 DIY sensory activities to do with your child + Activities to regulate the sensory system.

These activities are fun, easy to set up, and most importantly are designed to provide much-needed sensory input or help to calm an overstimulated system (depending on whether your child is a sensory seeker or sensory avoider) 

(Value $30 - yours FREE)

🦋An emotions and coping strategies visual aid pack.

This pack includes visual aids of various emotions and calming strategies to help autistic children learn to identify how they are feeling and to ask for what they need to cope with that feeling.

(Value $40 - yours FREE)

🦋 A daily schedule visual pack.

Visual schedules reduce anxiety because they provide structure to the day, clearly letting your child know what comes next. 

(Value $30 - yours FREE)

🦋 Customizable social stories.

Social stories can help autistic children learn about social behavior in common social settings like the supermarket, doctor's surgery, playground, and so on. You can create a social story to teach your child what to expect in any type of social situation.

(Value $50 - yours FREE)

🦋 Environment Checklist.

Evaluate whether your home is autism-friendly for your child and help you identify what you can do to make it a little more “autism-friendly”.

(Value $10 - yours FREE)

And importantly:

🦋 Action Plan Template.

This is your roadmap in creating your very own home program filled with activities, strategies, and actions you can take to create learning opportunities in everyday situations that suit your child's unique needs.

(Value $35 - yours FREE)

Become the parent you’ve always aspired to be—confident, informed, and attuned to your child’s needs.

Did you know the average family can spend thousands navigating the maze of autism support? 

Often feeling lost in a sea of generalized advice and costly, unproven methods.

The cost of specialized therapies alone (while often beneficial) can get expensive fast…

  • Adaptive behavior: $82.25 per session
  • Developmental Screening: $165.95 per session
  • and more… every new session adding weight to the financial burden.

So you could continue…

Chasing High-Cost Therapies That Miss the Mark:

Pouring your hopes, time, and savings into therapies that don't resonate with your child's unique spirit. 

Each session a reminder of the hard-earned dollars flowing out, with too little coming back in smiles and progress.

Falling for Generic Solutions That Don't Fit:

The allure of one-size-fits-all options is tempting. Yet, deep down, you know your child isn't a square peg for their round holes. 

These cookie-cutter solutions skim the surface but never touch the depths of your child's potential—leaving you stranded on the outskirts of actual progress.

Seeking Endless Expert Opinions That Get You Nowhere:

On a quest for that one expert insight that will transform your child's journey. 

Yet, this path often circles back on itself, with experts who, despite their credentials, can't quite tune into the unique frequency of your child's potential, leaving your family's story half-told. 

And you searching for a translator who truly understands

Navigating the Endless Maze of Contradictory Online Advice:

Lost in the digital expanse of conflicting guidance, each click promises clarity but plunges you deeper into the rabbit hole of confusion. 

Or you could follow a path that has led countless parents to experience remarkable breakthroughs… Navigating Autism at Home: Hands-on Strategies for Parents and…

✔️ Unlock Your Child's Potential from Home:

Discover the power to unlock your child's full potential right in the comfort of your home. 

With a tailored program that empowers YOU to create a nurturing environment that catalyzes growth in communication, social skills, and independence, fostering a future where your child can thrive on their terms.

✔️ Transform Everyday Moments into Learning Opportunities:

Turn the simplest activities into profound learning experiences. 

With structured guidance and practical resources, you'll weave education seamlessly into daily life, ensuring your child enjoys a well-rounded experience while deepening your bond in the most natural settings.

✔️ Gain Expertise to Confidently Support Your Child:

Arm yourself with the knowledge and strategies developed from years of specialized expertise. 

Making YOU the expert your child needs, boosting your confidence to tailor interventions, advocate for their needs, and celebrate every milestone together.

✔️ Save Time, Stress, and Money:

Avoid the overwhelm of sifting through endless therapies and the financial burden of costly interventions. 

I’m confident this comprehensive course will help you understand how to effectively support your child's development while saving time, reducing stress, and maximizing your limited resources.

The choice rests gently in your hands…

While programs of this caliber typically demand a premium investment (and rightfully so, given the life-altering outcomes they deliver)...

...and while many offer generic advice, often not tailored to the nuanced and dynamic needs of children on the autism spectrum...

...Navigating Autism at Home: Hands-on Strategies for Parents is forged from real-world successes, steeped in empathy and understanding, and meticulously designed to transform challenges into triumphs. (That's why we've spent years perfecting our approach, ensuring it's both comprehensive and deeply impactful.)

And in a special effort to reach and support more families…

I'm offering full access to everything Navigating Autism at Home: Hands-on Strategies for Parents provides— customizable learning plans that adapt to your child’s diverse needs and interests, strategies and tools to help you enhance social skills, bridge language and communication gaps, regulate sensory issues, and address behavioral obstacles, and more—for less than half the cost you’ll spend later. 

Your Path to Empowerment Begins Here. 

Here’s a quick reminder about what's included when you choose to get Navigating Autism at Home: Hands-on Strategies for Parents Bundle Offer...

Your Comprehensive Course 

💡 Seven Modules: A curated collection of insights, evidence-based strategies, and practical tools. From the foundational understanding of autism to creating a nurturing and effective home-based program (unique and adapted to your child’s unique needs), each module is a step toward empowering you as the heroic advocate and guide your child needs.

Where you'll discover the importance of…

🌈 Understanding Behaviour and Emotions:

Learning to identify triggers (the “why” behind the behavior) and effectively manage meltdowns through supportive strategies to ensure a safer and more understanding environment, reducing stress for both you and your child.

🌈 Improving Sensory Regulation

Recognizing and implementing sensory activities tailored to your child's specific needs can help regulate their sensory system (help them feel more comfortable), leading to increased focus, engagement, and calmness in various settings.

🌈 Developing Communication Skills:

Utilizing visual supports and modeling to enhance communication skills allows for better understanding and expression of needs, fostering deeper connections and reducing frustration from miscommunication.

🌈 Enhancing Play and Leisure Skills:

Introducing structured play activities to help develop cognitive and social skills, encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving, and providing a foundation for learning and development through play.

And most importantly…

Your Roadmap for a Personalized Home-Based Transformation:

Learning how to design a flexible, adaptable home-based intervention program that aligns with your child’s unique needs and interests ensures that learning and development happen on their terms. This approach not only respects your child's individuality but also empowers you to adjust tactics as your child grows and their needs evolve, guaranteeing that your home remains the most effective and nurturing environment for their continued progress.

💡Plus, Exclusive Bonuses to Enhance Your Journey...

This is your moment to make a difference

Choosing “Navigating Autism at Home: Hands-on Strategies for Parents” today means you're not just investing in a course. You're unlocking a complete system designed to transform your child's life and bring you peace of mind, understanding, and joy in your parenting journey.


An opportunity to add your voice to the global movement… 

Advocating for the acceptance and inclusion of everyone navigating the autism spectrum. Breaking down barriers and building a world where your child can thrive, be understood, and be supported by a society that accepts and cherishes diversity.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Child's World?

Choose a Pricing Plan to Suit You!

Every moment spent in doubt is a moment lost, a moment that could have been spent building a stronger, deeper connection with your child. Don’t let fear and uncertainty rob you of the chance to make a real, lasting difference in your child’s life.

Join our community of parents who are making a positive impact on their child's development and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know this will help me and my child?

A: Unlike other cookie-cutter courses that use a one-size-fits-all approach this course is designed with customization at its core. The aim is to provide you with a comprehensive toolkit and a wealth of strategies that you can adapt to fit your child’s individual needs and preferences.

Moreover, we offer support through our community group, where you can share experiences, seek advice, and find encouragement from other parents and professionals. This means you’re not just getting a course, you’re gaining access to a supportive network of individuals who understand your challenges and can guide you through them.

Q: How long will this course take to complete?

A: This is a self-paced online course meaning you can study flexibly around your schedule and apply the strategies at a pace that suits your family’s lifestyle. The content never expires so you can work through it slowly or devour it in a few days - it’s entirely up to you!

Q: What if I have questions/ need help as I’m going through the course?

A: This course is entirely self-paced, however, you will never be alone! Once you become a student, we will always be here to support you along the way as you become part of our community.

Q: How long do I have access to the course?

A: How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Q: When does the course start and finish?

A: This is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. Even if you don't have time to go through all of the course content as soon as you enroll, you'll have lifetime access

Q: This seems overwhelming. Can I really do this? 

A: Facing the spectrum alone can indeed feel daunting. 

Our comprehensive resources, combined with a supportive community, have the potential to transform the overwhelming into the manageable, turning anxiety into action and challenges into opportunities for growth.

Q: Why should I buy this now?

A: Every day with your child is precious. Every moment you feel lost, overwhelmed, or uncertain is a moment you could be spending confidently guiding and connecting with your child. Buying this course now means starting that transformation today, not another day wasted in doubt or stress, but another day gained in joy, growth, and connection.

Q: What makes this different from what I’ve already tried? 

A: You've probably tried methods that seemed to focus more on changing your child, making you feel distant or helpless. This course is different. It is centered around you, celebrating your child's unique self, and enhancing your relationship with them. Instead of feeling like a spectator in your child's journey, you'll become an active, empowered participant, leading with love, confidence, and understanding.

Let me paint a picture for you

Imagine understanding your child’s unique behaviors like never before, feeling equipped and confident every single day. That's not just a dream – it's what our course and toolkit offer.

Why Us?

Because we delve deep. Our course isn't just about tips and tricks; it's about real, in-depth understanding, from practical approaches to behavior, to strategies that fit right into your daily life. It's about empowerment, connection, and seeing tangible changes, today.